mercoledì 4 febbraio 2009

Haenricus Potus von Walpotus founder Teutonic Order

Dinasty Joseph Arimathea
dinasty Constantin the Great
Dynasty Potus Valeans(Walpotus) Valentinianus
Costanzo and Gallia Placidia
King Gaiseric Veruli -Eudoxia Placidia
Dynasty Erminulfus father of King Desiderio

by RdavidH218@[EMAIL PROTECTED] (david hughes) Jun 21, 2004 at 06:28 AM

b. Adelchis (d788), son of Desiderio, 24th & last Lombard King, had
issue & was the ancestor of an Italian noble house Princes Puoti von Heristal Hohenstaufen Plantagenet Aprile von Buren Anjou, descendants from King Poto, son of King Adelchis, last King of Lombards


legend: the Lombards (also called Langobards) (originally called the
Winnili tribe) migrated from Scandinavia to the European Continent
under the brothers Ibor (Ebbe) and Agjo (Agio), the two sons of
Gausus, who gave the Gungingi Dynasty its name. Agjo was the father of
Agila, aka
01. AEgelmund, "1st" King of Lombards. The name of his wife and queen
is recorded to have been Gambara. They were childless. Here enters the
story that a prostitute gave birth to a boy and threw him into a pond
to drown, when King AEgelmund and Queen Gambara happened to ride by
and rescued the boy and adopted the abandoned infant, whose name was
02. Lamicho (Lamissio), who succeeded his adoptive father as King of
the Lombards. His dynasty ended in an heiress, who married the Balthae
Prince Letho (Lethu), from whom his descendants were called the
Lethinge Dynasty. The Balthae Prince Letho may also be identified with
King Chlodio of France.
03. Letho, Balthae Prince, King of the Lombards [founder of the
Lethinge Dynasty of Italy]; identified with King Chlodio of France
=1 the Frankish heiress [her 2nd =]; he =2 the Lombard heiress
issue of 1st wife:
a. Lotric (Clodric) (d451), who warred with half-bro Merovee [same
mother] over the Frankish throne
b. Hildeoc [4], id. with King Childric I of France & Lombardy
c. Gudeoc [5], id. with Guntheric of Burgundy & Lombardy
issue of 2nd wife:
d. Claffo [6], King of Lombards
e. Utfora, prince, had issue
04. Claffo, [6th] King of Lombards
a. Tato, 7th Lombard King
b. Winta (Winichis) (Zuchilo), Prince (below)
c. Pero, Prince
05. Winta (Winichis) (Zuchilo), Prince (above)
a. Pissa, poss. id. with Cissa of Sussex (below)
b. Waccho, 8th Lombard King (d540) (below)
c. Vecta, poss. id. with Wecta of Kent
06 Pissa, poss. id. with Cissa of Sussex (above)
= Menia [or Adela]
a. Audoin, 10th Lombard King (below)
07 Audoin, 10th Lombard King (above) (d565)
=1 Rodelinde, dau of Ermenfrit of Thuringia & Amalaberga, the dau of
Amalafreya, the sis of Theodoric "The Great", Ostro-Goth King of Italy
=2 Visigarde, his cousin, wdw of King Thibert I of France, &, dau of
[his father's bro] Waccho, 8th Lombard King (see)
issue of 1st wife:
a. Alboin, reckoned "1st" Lombard King of Italy 572 (below)
b. Masane (dau)
= Cleph (Cleophis) (Klef), 2nd Lombard King of Italy 572-574 [son of
Beleo], & begot Autharic, 3rd Lombard King of Italy 584-590
c. [name] (dau)
= Zottone, Duke of Forum Iulii, bec "1st" Duke of Benevento 571
d. [name] (dau)
note: if the Lombard Prince Pissa is identified with Cissa of Sussex
then this daughter would be the Sussex heiress Alhilda, who, married
to a native British regional-king, remained in Britain in 541 when her
"barbarian" family was expelled from Britain by the British
08 Alboin, reckoned "1st" Lombard King of Italy 572 (above)
=1 Clotsinde of France; =2 Rosamunde (Rosalinte), a Gepidae pss
issue of 1st wife:
a. Alpsuinda (dau)
06.Waccho, 8th Lombard King (d540) (above)
=1 Ranigund, a Thurgingian pss; =2 Austrisa (Austrigusa), a Gepidae
pss; =3 Salinga, a Heruli pss
issue of 1st wife:
a. Visigarde (dau)
=1 Thibert I, King of France (d548); =2 Audoin, 10th Lombard King [his
2nd = too]
issue of 2nd wife:
b. Valdarada (Walderade) (dau) (below)
issue of 3rd wife:
c. Waltari, 9th Lombard King (d546)
07.Valdarada (Walderade) (above)
=1 Thibaut, King of France; =2 Clothaire I, King of France; =3
Garibald I, King of Bavaria
issue of 1st husband:
a. Theudelinde (Theodelinda) (Thilinda) (dau) (d625/7) (below)
08: Theudelinde (Theodelinda) (Thilinda) (dau) (d625/7) (above)
=1 Autharic, 3rd Lombard King of Italy 584-590, son of Cleph (Klef)
(Cleophis), 2nd Lombard King of Italy, &, wife, Masane, sis of Albion,
"1st" Lombard King of Italy
=2 Agilulfo, 4th Lombard King of Italy 590-615
issue of 2nd husband:
a. Adaloald, 5th Lombard King of Italy 615-624 abd (d626), begot a
single son [Faroaldo] (d611)
b. Gundiperg (dau) (below)
09: Gundiperg (dau) (above)
=1 Arioaldo, 6th Lombard King of Italy 624-636; =2 Rothari, 7th
Lombard King of Italy 636-652
issue of 1st husband:
a. Gundoald, Duke of Asti (d641), father of Ariperto I, 9th Lombard
King of Italy 653-661
issue of 2nd husband:
b. Rodoald, 8th Lombard King of Italy 652-653
10. Gundoald, Duke of Asti (d641)
11. Ariperto I, 9th Lombard King of Italy 653-661
a. Perctarit, 10-A & 13th Lombard King (below)
b. Godeperto, 10-B, co-king 661(below)
c. dau
= Grimoaldo, 11th Lombard King 661-671[his 2nd =], father of
Garibaldo, 12th Lombard King 671-674
12. Perctarit, 10-A & 13th Lombard King 661 & 674-686/8 (above)
= Rodelinde
a. Cuincpert, 14th Lombard King 686/6-690 dep (d700), who, of his
wife, Hermelinde of England, begot Liutperto, 15th Lombard King 700
dep (d702)
b. Vigilinda (dau)
= Grimoaldo [II], Duke of Benevento
12. Godeperto, 10-B, co-king 661 (above)
= Ragnatrude of East Anglia
a. Ragimpert, 16th Lombard King
b. Regintrude (dau) (below)
= Theodo II, King of Bavaria
13. Ragimpert, 16th Lombard King 700-1
14. Ariperto II, 17th Lombard King 701-712 dep
a,b,c. 3 sons
d. Ratberg (dau) (below)
15. Ratberg (Redburh), dau of King Ariperto II (above)
= Pemmo, son of Billo, a Lombard duke
a. Astolfo, 22nd Lombard King; [also] reckoned "1st" King of Italy
b. Ratchis, 21st & 23rd Lombard King
16. Astolfo, 22nd Lombard King 749-756; reckoned "1st" King of Italy
752 upon his abolishment of the Byzantine Exarchate
= Giseltrude, sis of Eutychius, last Exarch of Ravenna 728-752 deposed
16. Ratchis, 21st & 23rd Lombard King 744-749 abd & 756
= Tasia, sis of Ildeprand (Hiltiprand), 20th Lombard King, & Ansia,
wife of Desiderio, 24th & last Lombard King
a. Vastrada, one of the many wives of Charlemagne & the mother of his
daughter Ratperg (Redburh), wife of the English Bretwalda Egbert of
13. Regintrude, dau of Lombard King 10B Godeperto (above)
= Theodo II, King of Bavaria
a. Thedebert (d722) (below)
a. Theodorata (dau) (below)
14. Thedebert (d722) (above)
a. Swanhild
= Charles "Martel", Duke of France
b. Guntrude
= Liutprand, 19th Lombard King
14. Theodorata (above)
= Ansprand, 18th Lombard King 712
a. Liutprand, 19th Lombard King 712-744
= Guntrude [cousin] (above)
b. Sigiprand (below)
a. Ildeprand (Hiltiprand), 20th Lombard King 744 dep
b. Tasia (dau)
= Ratchis, 21st & 23rd Lombard King (above)
c. Ansia (dau)
= Desiderio (Desiderius) [appears as Didier/Dedier in medieval
romance], 24th & last Lombard King (below)
note: Desiderio [id. with Desiderius, son of Erminulphus, son of
Alachisus], 24th & last Lombard King 756-774 dep (d775) (above)
= Ansia, sis of Ildeprand, 20th Lombard King, &, niece of Liutprand,
19th Lombard King
a. Adelchis, associate-ruler 759-774 (d788), had issue
b. Gerberga (dau)
= Carloman of France, mother of Pepin & Sigar
c. Desidere (Bertrade), one of the wives of Charlemagne, who conquered
the Lombards and annexed their territory [Lombardy] to his realm
d. Adelperg (dau)
= Arechi II, Duke of Benevento
e. Liutperg (dau)
= Tassilo IV, Duke of Bavaria
f. Ansperga, abbess

descents traceable from:

a. Vastrada, dau of Ratchis, 21st & 23rd Lombard King, &, wife Tasia,
sis of Ildeprand (Hiltiprand), 20th Lombard King, & Ansia, wife of
Desiderio, 24th & last Lombard King, one of Charlemagne's wives & the
mother of his daughter Ratperg (Redburh), wife of the English
Bretwalda Egbert of Wessex
b. Adelchis (d788), son of Desiderio, 24th & last Lombard King, had
issue & was the ancestor of an Italian noble house Princes Aprile Puoti von Heristal Hohenstaufen Plantagenet, descendants from King Poto, son of King Adelchis, last King of Lombards
c. Adelperg, dau of Desiderio, 24th & last Lombard King, &, her
husband Arechi II, Duke of Benevento

compiled by David Hughes

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